Documentation Phase Manager 3.0

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Calendars management

Each task in Phase Manager is associated with a calendar.
By default, there are 4 of them:

  • « Non-Stop calendar »
  • « 5 days a week, 7 hours a day »
  • « 5 days a week, 8 hours a day »
  • the « milestone » calendar, non editable

Calendars are accessible via the navigation button .

Phase Manager schedules are based primarily on periods (usually weeks). Each day of a period is associated with a day definition to determine the number of hours worked. Day definitions are composed of one or more time slots worked .
These different elements are defined in this interface.

Day definition :

For each kind of day (worked, bad weather, holydays …), you will have to add a day definition and assign one a several time slots.

Periods :

You will have to define a period composed of the days previously defined. A period is composed of 1 day at least, and 7 days max.

Choose the number of day needed and add the defined days wanted.

Calendars :

Then define your default calendar by creating it, or edit an existing calendar.
Add the periods previously created.

A period will end only if another one interrupts it.

Exceptions :

You can add exceptions in your calendar by creating exceptions. You can also import a calendar with an .ics extension.
For that, click on Import.

To create an exception, you need to define it in Day Definition. Then you will be able to assign it in your calendar.
For that, click on Add exception.