Documentation Phase Manager 3.0

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Phase Manager Concept

Phase Manager is born from a statement: there is no link between the planning and phasing flip books.

Indeed, on all construction projects, regardless of the level of maturity (Preliminary studies, preliminary design, construction), phasing books are made using drawing tools: “Autocad” for the experienced users, “Excel” or “Powerpoint” for others.

The phasing is nonetheless essential for good work. It is also often preferred to schedule but its update is heavy, long and very often expensive.

Projet Linéaire thought a simple tool to automate the phasing creation and update … This is the birth of PHASE MANAGER.


An area is a polygon that represents a construction element or a construction zone. An area can have multiple shapes associated depending on drawings.

An axis is a particuliar area. It is a linear line that can be a road, a railroad, a pipe… The axis has Kilometric Points An axis can have different shapes associated depending on drawings.

Functionnality that allows you to replace a portion of a drawing/map delimited by an area, by the portion of another drawing/map located at the same place. A possible use is, for example, to preview in the area the result of the work extracted from the final drawing.

Deliverables cant take diferent forms under Phase Manager: phasing book or sequential book.

A drawing is often a PDF file that contains the project map or a part of the project. It could be a ground map, a map view, a cross section, an aerial view… Phase Manager can managed many drawings on a single project. From version 2, these drawings can be DXF, SVG or PDF files.

This new functionality of Phase Manager 4 allows you to work on satellite maps or drawings, on which you will be able to draw zones, axes, so that you can use these maps as background maps in the phasing books.
Using aligners it is possible to georeference PDF drawings in the GIS, which allows to make real distance measurements, or to make clipping of the drawing on the map, or the opposite.

Allows you to materialize on your maps/drawings the areas where there is no activity but which are impacted by other activities.

A label is an object that allows you to display taks information on the books. It is used for each task on a board. There are several label templates, all of which can be customized.

Maps in Phase Manager 4 are at the heart of the GIS. They can be used as backgrounds for the phasing books, and they can also be used to georeference PDF drawings.

Multi-area functionnality:
Multi-area functionnality allows to associate several areas to the same task: for example a single task working on different geographical areas (an earthwork associated with an excavation and an embankment, a curb on each sidewalk of a street…), or to represent the same task on different views of a drawing (for example an aerial view and a transversal view).

Page layout:
A page layout allows to improve the presentation of your deliverables, by integrating a logo, a title, the page number…

Phasing book:
A phasing book is a book presenting the different phases of a construction project, highlighting the taks against a background map/drawing, variable or not. To create a phasing book, each task must be associated with a phase.

Print area:
The print area is the perimeter chosen on a map, which will be integrated in the deliverables. It is possible to define as many printi areas as required.

For an task that works on an axis, it is possible to define a front and a rear Right-of-Way, which will symbolize lengths on the axis on which no work is carried out but where other work cannot be carried out (for example, if these lengths are used for signage).

A segment drawn on the map, which will be used as a basis for the measuring tool.

Sequential book:
Sequential books are also a representation of tasks on a drawing/map background. This representation is no longer based on phases but on time. Example: the weekly view of the work for the next 3 months.

Each area and axis have different status:
« In progress », when at least one task is working on a zone.
« Started », when at least one task has worked on a zone AND the work is not over in the zone.
« Finished », when all tasks are over on a specific zone.
« To do», when all scheduled tasks do not start on a specific zone.

A task in Phase Manager is an operation that must run from a start date to an end date. Task fields are: Name, start date, end date, duration, description, area, phase, …