Documentation Phase Manager 3.0

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Updating to Phase Manager 7

If you possess the version 6 (or older) and you update to the version 7, you can use both independently.

Phase Manager 7 installation

* Download the executable by going on this page: Download Phase Manager

* Install Phase Manager following the installation process. Once installed, launch Phase Manager 7 for the first time then carefully follow the next steps.

License activation

* At the first launch, you will be asked to activate your license, in this part please be attentive, especially on the license part.

To activate your license, fill the next field like this :


Choose the right value depending on your license ([Monoposte | Standalone], [Partagée | Network] or [USB])

"Product ID"

Fill this field with the Product ID you received from Projet Linéaire or your reseller. It looks like this :
LPMM-00NNN0 X 00abcDEF ► NNN is your license number, and X is the version.

note : fill this field only with the part on the right, after the “-“

If X isn't equal or higher that the version you want to install, your license isn't compatible with this version.
Please contact your reseller or our support team :

"Activation key"

Fill this part with the serial number you received from Projet Linéaire or reseller.


Tick “Choose licence ” :

On this part please be really attentive. You have to fill the path to your existing license . The software will automatically propose a default path. Be sure to choose the right path, or be sure that the default path indeed contains your license file.
Phase Manager will overwrite your license to update it with the new activation codes.
So click on Browse to choose the path to your existing license.

Once the path has been filled, you can click on Launch then your license will bu updated.