Documentation Phase Manager 3.0

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The sidebar menu

The sidebar menu gives access to the main interfaces of Phase Manager..

1-phasage: This is essentially from here that the project is built and are defined its components (drawings, phases, areas and axes, connected objects) and tasks associated. Tasks can be created and managed from here, including directly from within the dynamic Gantt diagram.
2-activites: This interface allows you to work with maximum visibility on tasks lists, allowing to visualize and modify their association with connected areas, phases and objects.
Deliverables: It is from here that you will create, update and customize the content and presentation of the deliverables: Phasing books and Sequential books.
6-impression: By clicking on this icon you can access the window that allows you to start printing the deliverables.
Page layouts: This interface allows you to create as many page layouts as necessary, which will be used to create the deliverables. For example, you can modify the margins, insert a logo, dynamic fields (page number, phase name, …).
Calendars: Here you will define the calendars used by the project, as well as the associated Periods and Day definitions.
Toolbox: Provides access to the project and Gantt properties management window.