Documentation Phase Manager 3.0

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Printing deliverables

Let's discover together the first elements that are displayed when you enter the deliverables printing interface:

(1) List of deliverables
Your deliverables will appear. We will see below how to retrieve the pages for final printing.

(2) Consolidation printing parameter
Here you can choose whether each page will be printed on a separate PDF, or whether you want to get a single consolidated PDF output.

(3) Adding a PDF cover page
If you wish, you can insert an additional PDF document as the first page of your consolidated output. Use the browse button to search for your document ⇒ its preview will be displayed in the adjacent frame:

(4) Use of print templates
You can save all the settings in this window for later use.

Choice and ordering pages to print

(1) In the left side panel, you will check the pages you wish to appear in your output PDF. You can add pages one by one by checking the selection boxes. You can also add an entire book by checking the box next to its name (highlighted in yellow below).

(2) You can now reorder the pages as you wish, either by changing their order number via the numeric field or by ordering them directly in the print “railroad” using drag&drop.

Start printing

Once you have completed your print setup, click the button .

Phase Manager will ask you to select an output folder:

Then the printing starts:
