Documentation Phase Manager 3.0

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User fields management

Options menu

Phase Manager 4 allows you to manage custom fields to enrich the characteristics of your activities.

There are three types of fields:

  • Text
  • Numeric
  • Choice list

Note: Custom fields of type “Choice list” now replace the old areas conditions.
⇒ See. Ajout et modification des styles d'activités to see how to proceed.

Adding, deleting and editing fields

To edit, add or remove custom fields, go to Options > Manage Custom Fields.
In the window that opens, you can:

  • 1/ add a field by filling in its name, its type (using the drop-down menu), then by clicking on the button
  • 2/ delete a field by clicking on it and then on the button
  • 3/ modify the entries of a field of type Choice list, by selecting it then clicking on the button

Adding values to activities custom fields

To add or change a custom field value, you can either :

1/ Open the activity detail window and fill in the fields directly:

2/ Import your custom fields from the activity data table: see: the new import/export interface