Documentation Phase Manager 3.0

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Key points when creating a phasing

1/ Add drawings and/or define print areas

It is on the drawing and/or within the print areas that the areas and axes that are worked on, as well as the associated connected objects, will be drawn.

Warning: if you wish to mix drawings and maps in the final deliverables for the same geographical area, you must georeference the drawings as soon as they are imported: indeed this operation is not possible afterwards!

2/ Import project data

It is advisable to define an import profile corresponding to the dataset (table) used: you can start from the templates proposed on this page.

Remember to save the PMX profile to simplify subsequent operations and save time!

3/ Drawing areas representations

Your areas and axes have been imported with the tasks: you can now draw their representation on the drawings/maps; Phase Manager will propose to associate each drawn representation with one of the imported areas/axes.

Warning: remember to duplicate each area/axis representation if needed, just after its association.

4/ Set the task styles

Each of the imported task styles will have to correspond to an already existing value in the choice list used for the styles (remember to define the color codes).

Warning! style values are case sensitive (upper/lower case)

5/ Create your deliverables

Once you have modified the label model and the layout if necessary, you can create your deliverables.

Beware of the start and end times of the boards! For example, weekly boards that start on a Monday morning at 8:00 am will include work until the following Monday at 8:00 am. It is often a good idea to set the start and end times at midnight
