Documentation Phase Manager 3.0

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Map outside the limits of the print area is printed

“In my deliverables the map is printed beyond the limits of the print area.”

For the print areas, there are 3 formats available:

  • Portrait
  • Landscape
  • Free

Phase Manager is designed to optimize deliverables with Portrait and Landscape print area formats that are in ISO proportions: in the Deliverable tab of the phasing book, it will then be necessary to use the same orientation.

With a Free print area format, there is a margin on one side and indeed the map is displayed beyond the print area; everything will then depend on what you want to see displayed beyond the print area.

If you'd like a white background for example, you can add a shape through the Columns > Objects tab, then modify its properties to choose a white background with 100% opacity. Then duplicate the shape on all the boards.

You can then add other objects (legends, etc.) on top of it.