Documentation Phase Manager 3.0

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Installation and Network license activation


1/ 1/ The activation of the network license must only be done once! All workstations that then want to use the license should refer to the procedure: Connection to a network license

2/ To install Phase Manager it is highly recommended to have administrator rights

3/ To use the license it is necessary to MODIFY rights on the UNC license directory

1/ Installation of Phase Manager

Donwload Phase Manager. Right click on the executable than run it with Administrator rights

Once launched, choose the installation language:

Skip the welcome screen by clicking on Next :

Read then accept the license agreement to continue the installation by clicking on Next :

By default the setup will ask you to install Phase Manager in : C:\Program Files (x86)\PhaseManager X
If you didn't launch it with admin right , it will propose you to install Phase Manager in : C:\Users\Public\Documents\PhaseManager7

Choose 'Single user installation'

Validate the Start Menu Folder screen by clicking on Next :

Choose and validate the icons creation screen by clicking Next :

On the following screen click on Install then once installation is complete, click on Finish

2/ Network license Activation

Once Phase Manager is installed, double-click on its icon to launch it.
At first launch, the license configurator will display:

To activate your network license, you will need to fill in the following fields:


Choose Network | Réseau:

Product ID

Fill in the Product ID that's been sent to you by Projet Linéaire or reseller:

  • licence pattern : LPMM-00NNN0 X 00abcDEF (NNN is the number of your license, and X the version)
  • only paste the right part of your Product-ID, after the '-' :

Activation key

Fill in the Serial number sent to you by Projet Linéaire or reseller.


Choose “Create new licence.

By clicking on the button Browse you can choose the location of the license file that will be created by Phase Manager:
Indicate a UNC path using the following pattern : \\SERVER_NAME\SHARE\FOLDER:

3/ License activation

Click now on the button Launch to activate your licence.

Beware : an Internet connection is mandatory to activate the license !

To activate the license, switch to English then choose the option below and click on Next :

  • Fill-in all required data then click on Next:
  • The Serial number is the Activation Key that's been used at step 2 in the license configurator

  • Check that you ARE connected to INTERNET then click on Next twice.
  • If the following message is displayed, that means that Phase Manager did activate right. Click on Next to run Phase Manager: