Documentation Phase Manager 3.0

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GIS management

Create phasing

In few words

Phase Manager allows you to build your phasing books over standard or satellite maps, georeference your PDF plans on the maps, and import your zones and axes from a KMZ file.


Phase Manager now allows you to create phasing books over standard or satellite maps.

Simply search for an address to display the corresponding map, using the search field on the map.

For example below, we have searched for “Toulouse” and we selected the detailed satellite view:

Maps types

The selector below the search field allows you to choose the type of map (options: Satellite or Map) and whether or not to display details - street names and places (options: Detailed/with Names or Uncluttered/without Names). For example, if you change the map type to Map without Name, this is what you will get:

Map adjustment

To fine-tune your map position it is possible to :

1/ Move it: by clicking and dragging it using the mouse wheel button.

2/ Use the zoom button (or the mouse wheel)

You can also use : the wheel to zoom in or out quickly, and Alt-Wheel to zoom more precisely.

Note: the image quality is optimal on rounded levels: for example 15.0% or 16.0%.

3/ Perform a map rotation
Activate the orientation tool by checking the box next to the zoom buttons
Click on the red arrow at the top right of the map:

It then changes colour to a lighter red :

Using the mouse wheel button, it is then possible to click and rotate the map. When the rotation is complete, click the arrow again to exit the rotation mode:

Your map thus positioned, you can define your print areas.

Geo-referencing a PDF drawing

Geo-referencing a PDF drawing is very simple: once the drawing is imported, all you have to do is to locate two points and then specify their location on the map:

  • distances measured on the map will then be automatically calculated,
  • it also allows you to perform clipping on this background drawing.

Example of geo-referencing

Proceed to the import of a drawing (for example here the 'Demo.svg Project' drawing delivered with your Phase Manager installation, then validate by clicking on Next in the right top corner until step 3.

The drawing is displayed again with the placement options at the bottom left of the screen.
Click on Automatic :

A message indicates that two points must be placed on the map; we will click here on the centres of the left and right roundabouts, successively:

A new window indicates that the corresponding points must now be placed on the map:

In the window that appears next, we will search for “joseph cugnot carquefou”, then click on the centers of the roundabouts, in the same order (left, then right):

On the next screen, Phase Manager has superimposed the plan on the map:

Note: by clicking on the Manual Placement button, you can move the map background more finely, and if necessary zoom or rotate it, for an optimal adjustment:

After saving the georeferenced plan (always using the save check mark), the plan is displayed in the Create Phasing window. The measurement tool can now be used to measure real distances on the drawing:

Importing a KML

On the maps it is possible to draw areas and axes, but it is also possible to import them from a KMZ file exported from Google Earth. This is simply done by means of the KML import button located in the Manage Areas/Axes shapes tab:

To test it: search for “montreal willibrord” and set the zoom level to 15.
On the right side of the map, you can visualize the river and its surroundings along with the Richard Park :

Download the "Import zone pour projet SIG.kmz", then click on the KML import button and navigate to the KMZ file to open it:

The imported zones are then created at the Richard Park location:

Displaying the MAP in backgroung (V6 feature)

Georeferenced plans can now display GIS mapping behind and beyond the plan as well.

For this, two new tools are at your disposal to activate this display possibility and to manage the opacity.

A piece of cake as presented in this animation: