Documentation Phase Manager 3.0

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Step 6 - Adding tasks to the polylines

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You will now use the tasks management interface by clicking on the button

This interface allows you to work intuitively on tasks by axis, area, or connected object. In this case, you will associate tasks with the polylines created in the previous step, so that the traffic lanes are displayed on your phasing books at the appropriate time.

To associate tasks, it is first necessary to select the type of Phase Manager object (Area, Axis, Connected Object) to which the tasks will be associated, for example below to the connected object “Traffic South lane Phase 4” :

Then in the lower panel, we'll select one or several tasks that we want to associate to our object

Here for example, we'll add only the summary task “Phase 4: Road - North Lane” (because this object must be displayed during the whole duration of our Phase 4) before clickin on the button :

Repeat the same operation for the polyline “Traffic North Part Phase 5” and the tasks of Phase 5.

You can head now to step 7 of this tutorial !

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