Documentation Phase Manager 3.0

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Drawings management

Create phasing

In few words

Phase Manager can import drawings in different formats like DXF, SVG, or PDF.

Be careful: BIG documents can impact the software speed at least during phasing creation and printing..

Importing drawings

Phase Manager can import drawings in different formats like DXF, SVG or PDF.

How to import a drawing

To add a drawing click on the + button in the Drawings and phases tab of the Create phasing interface:

After graphics loading, the drawing and its nodes appears in the editor.

Drawing editor

Just after a drawing has been imported, you are redirected to the drawing editor interface.

Within the drawing editor, you can adjust the visibility of the objects that compound your drawing.

Hiding objects on the drawing

In the left panel double-click on the root object of the drawing (here « draft ») to open layers, then untick the visibility of the object you want to hide (here 'T02-BATIMENT') :

Saving a drawing

To save a drawing, click on Next in the plan editor:

Map quality

Set the quality of the map in Step 2 then click on Next

The map will be displayed again in the georeferencing interface in Step 3 which is characterized by the placement options at the bottom left:

note: the georeferencing introduced with GIS in Phase Manager 4 is described here.

In this example we are not going to georeference the drawing and we click on Done in the right top corner.

Naming drawings and choosing a default one

To rename a drawing, select it then click on the rename button

How to rename a drawing

In the window that opens, modify the name of the drawing then click on OK:

Defining the default drawing

If more than one drawing is available, specify the default drawing by means of the checkbox located to the left of the drawing name:

Adding a scale and using the measurement tool

Adding a scale

It is very simple to add a scale to your drawings : click on the button Set a scale of the Drawings and phases tab.

Maintain your first click then release it a second point of your drawings to define a know distance.

When your drawing does not contain Metadata as it is the case with PDFs, or if it's not been georeferenced, you can fill in the scale yourself:

Once the scale has been validated, position it precisely horizontally by right-clicking and then Set horizontally :

You can normalize your scale to a rounded value by right-clicking and then Adjust lenght ​​​​​​ :

The scale is redimensioned and can now be moved wherever you want on the map. The length of the end returns of the scale is specified by right-clicking > Properties > then setting the Border height :

Using the measurement tool

Once the scale of the drawing has been defined as indicated above, or if your drawing has been georeferenced, you can use the measurement tool to display the distance between two points (below for example are the length of a building and the track width):

In this example, we realize that the scale is wrong, because the track is actually much less than 48 m wide.

It is possible at any time to redefine the scale, while keeping the existing measures.

For example, here below we modify the scale of the drawing using the known length of a building:

The other building's length and the track width measurements are automatically adjusted :

Drawings screen scale

Note : you can modify the drawing screen scale with the zoom and adjustment buttons located in the top right part of the window. Those settings are saved for each drawing.

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